Thursday, April 21, 2005

Food for thought

I skipped lunch today.

I had to do a little creative scheduling to be able to pick up my son from school and still cover a storytime in the evening.

Luckily, he got "sick" and had to be picked up from school and I had to stay home with him. Parents are allowed to take sick leave to attend to their children. I also have a colleague who was willing to pinch-hit for storytime and so I was freed.

Once at school, I noticed a "Daily Wellness Log" and saw all of my son's classmates listed and a check mark next to days and times they are checked for temperature, etc. This seems like a good idea. Keeps the teachers aware and gives the parents a heads-up immediately.

On the way home, I asked him how the teachers check the temperatures. Do they put a thermometer in your mouth? Do they use the one that goes in your ear? Do they put that sticky thermo-tape on your forehead?

My son told me that his teacher places her hand on his forehead to "check if it is cool." The thought of someone taking the time and effort to perform this intimate act for my child daily was almost overwhelming. For a working parent, the word "caretaker" means so much. I realized fully what I had thought for some time: we have him in a good place with good people watching over him.

Because they do their job so well, I am free to do mine.


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